
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2022


  GETTING THINGS DONE They are sentences in which the subject makes another person take care of doing something, either because he pays him, asks him, convinces him or forces him. The most important causative structure is have/get something done, which is also a way of expressing the passive voice. STRUCTURE  CAUSATIVE = GET + PERSON + INFINITIVE                          HAVE + PERSON + BASE FROM. EXAMPLES 1.)  I' LL GET MY DAUGHTER TO BUY IT FOR ME.  2.) I ALWAYS HAVE THE SECRETARY RUN OFF COPIES FOR ME.  PRACTICE ABOUT CAUSATIVE. 1.  2.  ATTENTION TO THE VIDEO. PASSIVE CAUSATIVE. We use causative structures in English when we want to talk about something that another person does for us, for example, I had/got my car fixed ( ME ARREGLARON EL CARRO). These are sentences in which the subject makes another person take charge of doing something, either because he pays him, asks him, convinces him or forces him. - ACTIVE VOICE: I GOT KIM TO CLEAN THE CARPET.